

In a radio interview, Chen said that the government plans to lo民間貸款利率wer the 18 percent interest rate in stages over six years.

For people taking monthly retirement payments, the rate will be adjusted to 9 percent in the first two years after ret首次購屋貸款2017土地貸款利率i房貸增貸買車急需現金怎麼辦rement, then to 6 percent in years three and four and 3 信用不好如何借錢percent in years five車貸利息計算公式 and six. There would be no preferential interest rate after that, he said.小額借款3萬留學貸款ptt


However, to care for less-well-off retirees, the 18 percent preferential rate would remain for people below a salary floor, which is to be set at either NT$25,000 or NT$32,000 (US$791 or US$1,013) a month, pending further discussions, he said.

‘FEEBLE GOOSE’: To ensure a sustainable system, the retirement age needs to be 55 and the income replacement ratio lowered from 80% to 60%, Chen Chien-jen said

The 18 percent preferential interest rate for retired military officials, civil servants and public-school teachers was introduced in 1960 when the average income for the three professions was lower than most other careers.

By the age of 65, the person would be receiving pension payments covered by others’ contributions, 車貸銀行對保he said.

Although invited to attend the conference, the Chinese Nati民間貸款利息onalist Party (KMT), the New Party and the Taiwan Solidarity Union have yet to nominate representatives, Chen said, encouraging the parties to participate.

Pensioners who take a lump sum would be entitled to higher interest rates, Chen said, without specifying the rate.

The government originally planned to scrap the preferential rate, 房貸試算表excel下載民間借款利率but has decided to take a milder approach, Chen said.

“A pension [fund] is like a feeble goose, which has to lay eggs larger than it can handle every day. There will be no more eggs when it cann代書貸款利率ot stand anymore and dies,” Chen said. “However, a healthy goose that only has to lay normal-sized eggs can continue [to survive] and give birth to goslings.”

Under the pension system, the pension of a person who begins work at 25 and retires at 55 is only enough to cover 10 years of pensi信用卡整合代償銀行on payments, Chen said.

The government is to phase out the 18 percent preferential savings rate for retired public-sector employees over a period of six years, Vice President Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) said yesterday.

With a retirement age of 50, due to the nation’s average life expectancy, women can ex新竹商銀個人信貸pect to receive pension payments for 33 years and men for 27 years.

To ensure a sustainable pension system, the retirement age needs to be set at 55 and the income replacement ratio lowered from 80 percent to 60 percent, with the pension contributions of employees and the government raised f青年創業貸款銀行rom 12 percent to 18 percent, Chen said.

Meanwhile, amid accusations that the government has not been transparent in its organization of a national conference on pension reform, which is to be held on Sunday at the Presidential Office Building, Chen said the Presidential Office is always “fair and honest.”

Calling on opponents of the government’s pension reform plans to express their opinions at the conference peacefully, Chen said opponents have mobilized protesters in a “warlike fashion,” which is inappropriate conduct in a democratic society.

By Chen W公務人員貸款率利最低銀行2017e嘉義房貸銀行i-han / Staff reporter

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